IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Financial Cycles – Early Warning Indicators of Banking Crises?
Author/Editor: Sally Chen,Katsiaryna Svirydzenka
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/116
Date: April 29, 2021
Title: Assessing Chile's Pension System: Challenges and Reform Options
Author/Editor: Samuel Pienknagura,Christopher Evans
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/232
Date: September 10, 2021
Title: Is There Money on the Table? Evidence on the Magnitude of Profit Shifting in the Extractive Industries
Author/Editor: Sebastian Beer,Dan Devlin
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/009
Date: January 15, 2021
Title: Opening Up: Capital Flows and Financial Sector Dynamics in Low-Income Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Sebastian Horn,Futoshi Narita
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/237
Date: September 24, 2021
Title: Tracking Trade from Space: An Application to Pacific Island Countries
Author/Editor: Serkan Arslanalp,Robin Koepke,Jasper Verschuur
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/225
Date: August 20, 2021
Title: Geopolitical Risk on Stock Returns: Evidence from Inter-Korea Geopolitics
Author/Editor: Seungho Jung,Jongmin Lee,Seohyun Lee
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/251
Date: October 22, 2021
Title: How Does Profit Shifting Affect the Balance of Payments?
Author/Editor: Shafik Hebous,Alexander D Klemm,Yuou Wu
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/041
Date: February 19, 2021
Title: Pareto-Improving Minimum Corporate Taxation
Author/Editor: Shafik Hebous,Michael Keen
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/250
Date: October 22, 2021
Title: The COVID-19 Impact on Corporate Leverage and Financial Fragility
Author/Editor: Sharjil M. Haque,Richard Varghese
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/265
Date: November 05, 2021
Title: The Effectiveness of Job-Retention Schemes: COVID-19 Evidence From the German States
Author/Editor: Shekhar Aiyar,Mai Chi Dao
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/242
Date: October 01, 2021
Title: IMF Programs and Financial Flows to Offshore Centers
Author/Editor: Shekhar Aiyar,Manasa Patnam
Series: IMF Working Paper No. 2021/146
Date: May 27, 2021
Title: Investor Information and Bank Instability During the Euro Crisis
Author/Editor: Silvia Iorgova,Chase P. Ross
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/005
Date: January 08, 2021
Title: A Comprehensive Climate Mitigation Strategy for Mexico
Author/Editor: Simon Black,Koralai Kirabaeva,Ian Parry,Mehdi Raissi,Karlygash Zhunussova
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/246
Date: October 18, 2021
Title: Scaling up Climate Mitigation Policy in Germany
Author/Editor: Simon Black,Ruo Chen,Aiko Mineshima,Victor Mylonas,Ian W.H. Parry,Dinar Prihardini
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/241
Date: September 27, 2021
Title: Recognizing Reality—Unification of Official and Parallel Market Exchange Rates
Author/Editor: Simon T Gray
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/025
Date: February 05, 2021
Title: What is in the R- Stars for Korea?
Author/Editor: Sohrab Rafiq
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/093
Date: March 26, 2021
Title: Sectoral Shocks and Spillovers: An Application to COVID-19
Author/Editor: Sonali Das,Giacomo Magistretti,Evgenia Pugacheva,Philippe Wingender
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/204
Date: July 30, 2021
Title: Do Lenders Make Less-Informed Investments in High-Growth Housing Markets?
Author/Editor: Sophia Chen,Lev Ratnovski,Yangfan Sun
Series: IMF Working Paper No. 2021/151
Date: May 27, 2021
Title: Inequality and Locational Determinants of the Distribution of Living Standards in India
Author/Editor: Sriram Balasubramanian,Rishabh Kumar,Prakash Loungani
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/050
Date: February 26, 2021
Title: Is There a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Inclusive Growth? A Case Study Analysis
Author/Editor: Sriram Balasubramanian,Lahcen Bounader,. Jana Bricco,Dmitry Vasilyev
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/111
Date: April 29, 2021